Our Mission: fair pay, fair play for composers
Our dream is to connect musicians and composers from all over the world by making sheet music universally available with just a click on an easy-to-use platform.
It’s our mission to contribute to a fair music business by creating a central place for musicians and composers to buy and sell sheet music. Where musicians can download a wide variety of high-quality sheet music with a single click. And where composers can upload and sell their compositions, remain owner of their copyrights while receiving fair revenues from their sales. At Sonolize we stand for fair pay and fair play for composers.
A new generation platform, easy-to-use, digital, independent, with a wide variety of high-quality compositions.
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Your benefits as a musician
As musician you find a wide variety of sheet music at Sonolize. From classical, wind, opera, religious, Latin, jazz, or folk music. For individual players, orchestra, brass band, choir, or ensemble. Start downloading your new sheet music with a mouse click. Ordering today is playing today.
- High quality compositions.
- Unique and exclusive music.
- Easy search with clear style indicators.
- Find and download sheet music with a single click.
- Order today is play today.
- Buy directly from composers.
- Sustainable: no physical mail, paper, or transport.
Why participate as a composer?
Our dream is to connect composers and musicians from all over the world by making sheet music universally available with just a click on an easy-to-use platform that stands for fair pay, fair play for composers.
- It’s free and easy to use.
- Your own personal profile page.
- Detailed info, previews, and audio links for every composition.
- Private dashboard with your own sales data.
- Access and manage your own music.
- Receive 65% of all revenues on a sale.
- If performed, you receive 100% of the royalties.
- Get paid within 30 days.
- You retain full ownership and copyrights.
- Global visibility.
- Contribute to a better and fairer music climate.

Sonolize, from classical, wind, opera, religious, Latin, jazz, or folk music. For individual players, orchestra, brass band, choir, or ensemble.
About us
Founders of Sonolize are: Jan Gerrit Adema, arranger, composer and conductor and Kamiel Rietsema, MBA, consultant, entrepreneur.
At Sonolize, we like to do things differently: fair, sustainable, and digital. We are building our dream: a central place for musicians and composers to meet. With fair prices and revenues while retaining copyrights for composers, where musicians can download sheet music online with a single click.
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Our Advisory Board and Music Quality Council
Sonolize Advisory board
Alex Schillings - Associate professor at Royal Conservatory The Hague, Artez Conservatory Zwolle, Conductor.
Geert Jan Kroon - Composer, Conductor and Coach
Raymond van Kerkvoorden - CEO, Klik Onderwijs
Ger Nijkamp - Manager Marketing, Communications & eBusiness, Royal De Heus
Geert van Wijk - CFO, vanRijsingenGreen
Music Quality Council
Jan Gerrit Adema - Composer, director
Joop van Dijk - Composer
Fons van Gorp - Composer, musician
Peter Habraken - Composer, director
Geert Jan Kroon - Composer, director, musician
Matthias van Nispen - Composer, musician

What our friends say?
“Well thought-out initiative to revolutionize music sales by composers." Floris Kortie, TV ('Podium Witteman') and Theater ('The year 250 after Beethoven')
"Finally a place where the rights of the composers are respected and a fair price is paid for the creative work."
"A wonderful initiative, I've been waiting for this for years. I recommend every composer to participate."
"Sonolize offers composers an online platform to publish and distribute their music themselves. This has the future in this digital age and provides a win-win situation for all involved. I warmly welcome this initiative", Ed de Boer, composer.
Fair Practice
Sonolize fully endorses the Fair Practice Code for entrepreneurship in the arts and culture sector. This code invites you to take joint responsibility for a Fair Chain, in which artists and creatives, but also those who enable art and culture, receive a Fair Share and Fair Pay based on the value of their craftsmanship.
Read about Fair Pay, Fair Share, Fair Chain.

Charity goal
And before we forget, 1% of what we earn goes to charity. To help children make music.
Why? Very simple, because we think it is very important that as many children as possible learn about music in musiclessons at school and make music together. That's why we donate to the Dutch foundation "Meer Muziek in de Klas" (More music education at schools), that is committed to structural music education at all primary schools in the Netherlands.