Four Elizabethan Songs About Love (2018)
Colin Eatock
Artikelnummer SON00002295
Componist Colin Eatock
Duur 12:00 min
Genre Klassiek, Koraal
Instrumentatie Koor en vocaal ensemble
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Four Elizabethan Songs About Love (2018)

Four Elizabethan Songs About Love (2018)

Artikelnummer SON00002295
Componist Colin Eatock
Genre Klassiek
Instrumentatie Koor en vocaal ensemble
Vrije omschrijving For a-cappella SATB choir
Moeilijkheidsgraad 6
Duur 12:00 min
Jaar 2018


€ 5,00

Program Notes

For a-cappella SATB choir

I: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love; II: When I was Fair and Young; III: The Message; IV: Sonnet 116

The composer writes: I almost titled this work “Four Elizabethan Love Songs.” However, while such a title might be appropriate for a group of songs about the joys of loving relationships, the texts I have chosen do not all fit that mould. Of the four, only Christopher Marlowe’s seductive “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” and Shakespeare’s wise and insightful Sonnet 116 address requited love. On the other hand, John Donne’s “The Message” is a “hate-song” – an angry poem about love gone wrong, bursting with bitter recriminations. And Elizabeth I’s “When I Was Fair and Young,” is wistful and full of regret: the Queen realizes that her own youthful pride has obstructed her opportunities for happiness. Together, these poems offer four dramatically contrasting views about love.

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