Two Pieces for Recorder and Harpsichord
Colin Eatock
Artikelnummer SON00002379
Componist Colin Eatock
Duur 08:00 min
Genre Klassiek, Concertwerk, Kamermuziek
Instrumentatie Duet
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Two Pieces for Recorder and Harpsichord

Two Pieces for Recorder and Harpsichord

Artikelnummer SON00002379
Componist Colin Eatock
Genre Klassiek
Instrumentatie Duet
Vrije omschrijving For tenor recorder and harpsichord
Moeilijkheidsgraad 6
Duur 08:00 min
Jaar 2022

Score + Parts

€ 6,00


€ 5,00

Program Notes

For tenor recorder and harpsichord

tenor recorder; harpsichord; ca. 8 min.

The composer writes: I’m often attracted to historical models for my compositions. And this two-movement composition (similar to contrasting movements in a Handel sonata) is full of references to baroque- and gallant-era styles. When I began to compose it, I wasn’t quite sure what solo instrument would be best suited to what I was creating: The solo part could, of course, be played on several instruments. But I am very pleased with my final choice of tenor recorder.

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