Prelude to a new era
Eduard de Boer
Artikelnummer SON00000029
Componist Eduard de Boer
Duur 04:30 min
Genre Klassiek
Instrumentatie Harmonie
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Prelude to a new era

Prelude to a new era

Artikelnummer SON00000029
Componist Eduard de Boer
Genre Klassiek
Instrumentatie Harmonie
Vrije omschrijving Version for wind orchestra
Moeilijkheidsgraad 4
Duur 04:30 min
Jaar 2015

Score + Parts

€ 49,00


€ 10,00

Program Notes

Version for wind orchestra

The Prelude to a New Era is based on the closing section of 'Coming to light', an earlier composition, depicting a new daybreak, with light getting brighter and brighter, eventually reaching the darkest corners of the planet. It has been dedicated to one of the key players in the horrific Hampstead satanic ritual abuse case: Sabine McNeill. She acted as a legal advisor to the mother, found herself forced to leave England as a result, in order to escape being arrested, and she has devoted incredible amounts of her time and energy to collecting evidence substantiating the children's claims, drawing the world's attention to their situation and trying to have them put into their mother's and / or their grandparents' care. In my view, Sabine is a heroic woman and it is with deep admiration that I dedicate this composition to her. 

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