Bewonder - Ode to Ramses Shaffy
Peter Habraken
Lyrisch en virtuoos solowerk voor bastrombone met begeleiding van fanfare
Bewonder - Ode to Ramses Shaffy
Peter Habraken
Lyrisch en virtuoos solowerk voor bastrombone met begeleiding van harmonieorkest
Jack Cole (for Jazz Band)
Stephen DeCesare
Full score and parts and scored for Jazz Band
Mozart's Laughter
Stephen DeCesare
In honor of the one greatest composers of all time - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
From the Sea
Geert Jan Kroon
From the Sea is een groot werk voor harmonieorkest
Jean Musy
Suite symphonique - Bande originiale du film de Costa GAVRAS d"après le roman de Romain GARY avec Romy SCHNEIDER & Yves MONTAND - © 2018 by Jean DAVOUST Editeur - 75013 Paris (Catalogue ORDET Edition)
A Walk In The Woods (Piano solo)
Stephen DeCesare
Meditative piano solo than can be used for any school, church or concert program.
Meditations with the Holy Spirit
Stephen DeCesare
This collection of 12 piano solos are accessible and appropriate for any church or concert setting.
Self Control (Piano solo)
Stephen DeCesare
A spirited piano solo that is accessible and appropriate for any church or concert setting.
Peace (Piano solo)
Stephen DeCesare
Tender piano solo that is accessible and appropriate for any church or concert setting.