De Zee zingt eindelijk haar protestsong
Renilde Duif
Mixed Choir s-a-t-b
Renilde Duif
mixed choir (s-a-t-b) possible with harp or piano
Thomas van Dun
for solo natural horn in E-flat or modern horn
Renilde Duif
Dakota Avenue
Miranda Zuurbier
Tuneful piece for accordion and piano. With spirit, and warmth.
Var. III of the Silver Birch Variations
Matthias van Nispen_T.P.
homage to Ennio Morricone
The "O" Factor
Matthias van Nispen_T.P.
this ragtime gives you the "O" Factor!
Letit Sno (let it snow)
Jules Styne
Steven Dietvorst
Altsax/Sopraansax x2 Tenorsax/Sopraansax x2 Baritonsax of: Altsax/Sopraansax Altsax Tenorsax/Sopraansax Tenorsax Baritonsax
Duet for Clarinet Bb & Piano
Fons van Gorp
Duet for Clarinet Bb and Piano. concert piece. level 4-5
Duet for Alto saxophone & Piano
Fons van Gorp
Duet for alto saxophone and piano, concert piece, level 4-5