The World Is a Scary Place

André Van Haren
Song for voice and piano
Lacs de Finlande

Sonja Beets
A "poème" for cello and piano

Geert Jan Kroon
Shards! is a exciting and bold opening for your concert
Bells in Paradise

Eduard de Boer
Ballet in one act for symphonic wind orchestra
The World Is a Scary Place (V/orchestra)

André Van Haren
A song for voice and small orchestra, part of the children's musical story "Raoul's Rescue Mission."
Music for Colours IX

Pieter Rynja
Music for Colours IX for organ solo
Music for Colours III

Pieter Rynja
Music for Colours III for piano solo
Trustin' Music

Pieter Rynja
Trustin' Music for harpsichord solo

Pieter Rynja
Inventio for organ solo
Intermezzi I, II, III

Pieter Rynja
Three short pieces for oboe and accordion