Het Journaal

Renilde Duif
Song for soprano, piano en bassoon
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Renilde Duif
Female choir s-m-a
Sonata for Piano and Cello Mvt. 1

Timothy Gargiulo
This is structurally based on a Mozart piece and explores harmonic language seldom used while always being emotional and at times intense.
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Alphons Diepenbrock
Ardashes Agoshian
For soprano, double bass (solo tuning) and piano
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Alphons Diepenbrock
Ardashes Agoshian
For soprano, double bass (orchestra tuning) and piano
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Alphons Diepenbrock
Ardashes Agoshian
For soprano, violoncello and piano
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Alphons Diepenbrock
Ardashes Agoshian
For soprano, viola and piano
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Alphons Diepenbrock
Ardashes Agoshian
For soprano, violin and piano
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Alphons Diepenbrock
Ardashes Agoshian
For soprano and piano
Wu Wei

Johan Verhey
Short story for narrator and orchestra (English & Dutch text)