Peter Habraken
Peter Habraken


Peter Habraken (1975), barely two years old, learned to operate the record player in his parental home. In this musical environment, the repeated listening to the Matthew Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach provided a solid foundation for the rest of his musical life.

At the age of nine, Peter chose the clarinet. In addition to nine years of musical baggage, Ed Waskowsky also nurtured Peter's enthusiasm for the instrument. At the time, a professional career was not yet planned: at sixteen he attended the open days of all Technical Universities in the Netherlands and after obtaining his Gymnasium diploma he started studying Mechanical Engineering in Enschede. However, his nature decided otherwise: after four weeks he changed course and from that moment on he studied music! This resulted in three Conservatory diplomas: Classical clarinet with Marinus Hintzbergen (Enschede), HaFaBra conducting with Gert Buitenhuis and Hennie Ramaekers (Enschede) and Jazz clarinet with John Ruocco, with Jazz saxophone as a subsidiary subject with Rolf Delfos (The Hague).

For eight years, Peter has been professionally associated as a clarinetist and double bass clarinetist at the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy. He resigned in 2007 and has since followed his own artistic adventure as an independent composer, conductor, clarinetist and saxophonist.

As a conductor, he has been working for many years with a huge variety of ensembles - from classical choir to concert band, from Egerländer Kapel to bigband.

As a composer, Peter consciously chose self-study. He has spent many years studying classical composition techniques such as harmony and counterpoint, and more modern techniques such as jazz harmony and Latin American rhythms, and combines the acquired insights into his compositions.

In doing so, he strives for an understandable music with which listeners can identify themselves. He is convinced that melody, rhythm and harmony are still the most important pillars for good music. This has resulted in about eighty works so far for brass quintet, choir, jazz combo, big band, concert band and fanfare orchestra. He gets his professional knowledge and inspiration from music and art history. And if that, in his opinion, benefits the composition, he mixes classic and popular styles to his heart's content.

Sonolize is a very clear website, the music is easy to find and has an easy style indication.” 
Peter Habraken, conductor and composer

Peter Habraken (1975) leerde, amper twee jaar oud, al om zelfstandig de platenspeler in zijn ouderlijk huis te bedienen. In deze muzikale omgeving zorgde het herhaaldelijk beluisteren van de Mattheus Passion van Johann Sebastian Bach voor een stevige basis voor de rest van zijn muzikale leven. Op zijn negende koos Peter voor de klarinet. Docent Ed Waskowsky voedde negen jaar lang zijn enthousiasme voor het instrument. Een professionele carrière zat destijds echter nog niet in de planning: op zijn zestiende bezocht Peter de open dagen van alle Technische Universiteiten in Nederland en na het behalen van zijn Gymnasiumdiploma startte hij met de studie Werktuigbouwkunde in Enschede.

Zijn natuur besliste echter anders: na vier weken gooide hij het roer om en vanaf dat moment studeerde hij muziek! Dat resulteerde in drie conservatoriumdiploma’s:

Klassiek klarinet bij Marinus Hintzbergen (Enschede), HaFaBra directie bij Gert Buitenhuis en Hennie Ramaekers (Enschede) en Jazz klarinet bij John Ruocco met als bijvak Jazz saxofoon bij Rolf Delfos (Den Haag).

Gedurende acht jaar is Peter professioneel verbonden geweest als klarinettist en contrabasklarinettist aan de Marinierskapel der Koninklijke Marine. In 2007 nam hij ontslag om zijn eigen artistieke avontuur te kunnen volgen. Sindsdien werkt hij als zelfstandig componist, dirigent, klarinettist en saxofonist.

Als dirigent werkt hij inmiddels al jaren samen met een enorme verscheidenheid aan ensembles – van klassiek koor tot harmonieorkest en van Egerländer Kapel tot bigband.

Peter Habraken heeft als componist bewust voor zelfstudie gekozen. Hij heeft jarenlang studie verricht op het gebied van klassieke compositietechnieken als harmonieleer en contrapunt, en modernere technieken als jazzharmonie en Latijns-Amerikaanse ritmes.

In zijn composities streeft Peter Habraken naar begrijpelijke muziek waarmee luisteraars zichzelf kunnen identificeren. Hierbij combineert hij de inzichten die hij tijdens zijn zelfstudie heeft verworven. Peter is ervan overtuigd dat melodie, ritme en harmonie nog altijd de belangrijkste pijlers zijn voor goede muziek. Een en ander resulteerde in (tot nu toe) ongeveer tachtig werken voor onder meer koperkwintet, koor, jazz combo, bigband, harmonie en fanfare. 

Zijn vakkennis en inspiratiebronnen haalt hij uit de gehele muziek- en kunstgeschiedenis. En als dat naar zijn idee de compositie ten goede komt, vermengt hij daarbij naar hartenlust klassieke en populaire stijlen met elkaar.


Piet Hein Fantasie

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Variations on the Dutch song ‘De Zilvervloot’ for symphony orchestra

Piet Hein Fantasie

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Variations on the Dutch song ‘De Zilvervloot’ for chamber orchestra

Concerto for Brass Quintet

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Very colourful, virtuosic and challenging composition for professional brass quintet and wind orchestra. Solo parts only.

Concerto for Brass Quintet

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Very colourful, virtuosic and challenging composition for professional brass quintet and wind orchestra. Solo parts and full score only.

Concerto for Brass Quintet

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Very colourful, virtuosic and challenging composition for professional brass quintet and advanced wind orchestra.


Composer name

Peter Habraken

Portrait of an illusionist - clarinet solo & concert band or fanfare orchestra. Solo part only.

Oh, Lady Be Good!

Composer name

George Gershwin

Peter Habraken

Jazzy arrangement for saxophone quintet of the title song from the Broadway musical 'Lady Be Good!'. Optional part for drums included.

Someone to watch over me

Composer name

George Gershwin

Peter Habraken

Jazzy arrangement for saxophone quintet of the famous song from the Broadway musical 'Oh, Kay!'.

Op zoek naar Thuis (In Search of Home)

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Composition for solo violin and concert band. Solo part only.

Op zoek naar Thuis (In Search of Home)

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Composition for solo violin and concert band


Composer name


Peter Habraken

Arrangement of the famous folk song Misirlou, for electric guitar and big band.

Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)

Composer name


Peter Habraken

The traditional Irish melody "Londonderry Air", also known as "Danny Boy", in an arrangement for concert band (without vocals).

Our Choice


Composer name

Peter Habraken

Portrait of an illusionist - clarinet solo & fanfare orchestra

's Wonderful

Composer name

George Gershwin

Peter Habraken

Jazzy arrangement for saxophone quartet/quintet of the famous song from the Broadway musical 'Funny Face'.

Our Choice


Composer name

Peter Habraken

Short symphonic poem for fanfare orchestra

Our Choice

Eternal Father, strong to save

Composer name

John Bacchus Dykes

Peter Habraken

The famous Navy Hymn in an adaptation by Peter Habraken for brass band

Our Choice

Michiel de Ruyter

Composer name


Peter Habraken

A portrait based on old Dutch songs, written for fifes and drums.

Our Choice

Bewonder - Ode to Ramses Shaffy

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Lyrical and virtuoso solo work for bass trombone with accompaniment of concert band, fanfare orchestra or brass band. Solo part only.

Our Choice

Bewonder - Ode to Ramses Shaffy

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Lyrical and virtuoso solo work for bass trombone with accompaniment of brass band

Our Choice

Bewonder - Ode to Ramses Shaffy

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Lyrical and virtuoso solo work for bass trombone with accompaniment of fanfare orchestra

Our Choice

Bewonder - Ode to Ramses Shaffy

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Lyrical and virtuoso solo work for bass trombone with accompaniment of concert band

Our Choice

Var. über ein Thema von Joh. Strauss Jr.

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Festive and jazzy composition for wind orchestra, inspired by one of the great Strauss waltzes

Our Choice

Eternal Father, strong to save

Composer name

John Bacchus Dykes

Peter Habraken

The famous Navy Hymn in an adaptation by Peter Habraken for fanfareband

Our Choice

Clarinet Quartet - in one movement

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Composition in Neo-Baroque style for three clarinets in Bb and bass clarinet.

Our Choice

Cerro Rico - the mountain that eats men

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Concert work for concert band about the mountain that eats men: Cerro Rico, the richest silver mine in the world.

Our Choice


Composer name


Peter Habraken

Arrangement of the famous folk song, for electric guitar and concert band. The solo part can also be played by members of the orchestra.

Our Choice

Speranza nel Futuro

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Concert march, written for concert band

Our Choice


Composer name

Peter Habraken

Remembrance Music for Mória Refugee Camp - written for two baritone saxophones

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Echo der Alpen

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Short march for fanfare orchestra, written in Egerländer style

Our Choice

Echo der Alpen

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Short march for concert band, written in Egerländer style

Our Choice

Echo der Alpen

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Short march, written in Egerländer style

Our Choice

Romanze für Tenorhorn und Bariton

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Lyrical duet for tenor horn and baritone - also suitable for two euphoniums - accompanied by fanfare orchestra

Our Choice

Romanze für Tenorhorn und Bariton

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Lyrical duet for tenor horn and baritone - also suitable for two euphoniums - accompanied by concert band

Our Choice

Romanze für Tenorhorn und Bariton

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Lyrical duet for tenor horn and baritone - also suitable for two euphoniums - accompanied by orchestra in Egerländer style


Composer name

Peter Habraken

March for fanfare orchestra, written in Egerländer style


Composer name

Peter Habraken

March for concert band, written in Egerländer style

Our Choice


Composer name

Peter Habraken

March written in Egerländer style

Our Choice


Composer name

Peter Habraken

Pasodoble for fanfare orchestra, written for concert performances

Our Choice


Composer name

Peter Habraken

Pasodoble for concert band, written for concert performances

Our Choice

Eternal Father, strong to save

Composer name

John Bacchus Dykes

Peter Habraken

The famous Navy Hymn in an adaptation by Peter Habraken for concert band

Our Choice


Composer name

Peter Habraken

Portrait of an illusionist - clarinet solo & concert band

Our Choice

The SS Berlin Disaster

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Symphonic poem for concert band about the ship disaster of the SS Berlin

Our Choice


Composer name

Peter Habraken

Symphonic poem for Concert Band

Our Choice

Music for a Celebration

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Composition for fanfare orchestra, well suited to play on any festive occasion with a slightly serious undertone.

Our Choice

Music for a Celebration

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Composition for concert band, well suited to play on any festive occasion with a slightly serious undertone. Also very useful as an opener.

Our Choice

Mazel tov

Composer name

Peter Habraken

A virtuosic piece of orchestral music, bursting with energy, written for concert band

Our Choice

Van Republiek tot Koninkrijk

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Concert piece for fanfare orchestra, about the birth of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Our Choice

Van Republiek tot Koninkrijk

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Concert piece for wind orchestra, about the birth of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Completely revised in 2024.

Our Choice

Éire - A homage to Ireland

Composer name

Peter Habraken

Tin whistle and/or piccolo, solo clarinet and concert band


Composer name

Nieuwe jazzy arrangementen geschikt voor zowel saxofoonkwartet als -kwintet!

Voor saxofonisten op zoek naar nieuw repertoire voor saxofoonkwartet of -kwintet: vandaag publiceer ik de eerste uit een serie van (tenminste) drie bewerkingen van klassiekers van George Gershwin.

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